My “Tech-Centric-But-Not-Entirely-Tech” Predictions for 2025

A couple of weeks ago I was in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, providing a fascinating and ambitious group of investors, entrepreneurs and corporate players insights into driving innovation, entrepreneurship, value creation, and growth in the fast-changing Saudi economy. They were also interested in my perspective for 2025, both globally and through the lens of the US/Silicon Valley, so I assembled a Top 10 list of predictions for 2025. Given our audience and its tech/startup focus, my predictions have a tech-heavy orientation. And given our recent US presidential elections and the fast-changing political and global landscape, I also provided some thoughts on what 2025 may bring in those areas as well. See my presentation of “Top Predictions for 2025” here.


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“Fusion is not a typical bet.” My interview on venture funding prospects for fusion energy, with the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.