Failure is Grief, but not Game Over
My co-author John Danner and I were recently interviewed in by Madanmohan Rao of YourStory Media.

"The Entrepreneurial Mindset" (cover article for Strive Magazine)
How do entrepreneurs think? What distinguishes the best entrepreneurs and innovators from the rest? Originally published as the cover article for Strive Magazine, January 2019 For the past 30 years, I’ve pursued the answer to this question: “What distinguishes the best entrepreneurs and innovators from the rest of us?”

How Facebook Blew It. My comments on this fiasco, on the evening news
What are the implications of the recent Facebook disclosures? I was interviewed about Facebook for the Evening News on Fox around the 2016 Presidential election and how Facebook data was used (and misused) to target voters and influence outcome.

A global perspective on The Other "F" Word (featured article from speaker's bureau BigSpeak)
Mark Coopersmith is Changing Our Global View of Failure. New article by Jessica Welch on BigSpeak.

Conversation with NASDAQ's Nicola Corzine on Success & Failure (video)
I sat down recently at the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center with its Executive Director Nicola Corzine for a wide-ranging conversation about my book "The Other "F" Word: How Smart Leaders, Teams, and Entrepreneurs Put Failure to Work." We discussed how failure manifests itself – and can also be used as a resource for innovation and growth – in organizations ranging from startups to global enterprises. We discussed how different cultures around the globe have varying relationships with the other f word. And much more.

A few personal musings on living, launching, failing & succeeding
Here's an excerpt from my recent post for the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center.

"Live from Malaysia" on Radio 89.9 BFM: "The Other 'F' Word" and implications for global leaders
I had a fantastic trip through Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia in August/September 2015. I met with business and government leaders throughout the region. One of my stops was at BFM Radio 89.9 where I sat down with their lead business reporter about “The Other”F” Word.

3 Ways to Wring at Least Some ROI From Failure (on
Failure stings. It has a long half-life. The memory of past failures exacerbates our fear of future ones, leaving many stuck in the “static quo” of business as usual. In fact, memory and fear are failure’s force multipliers, and can easily lead to a “trial and terror” culture... Read my article on to discover 3 ways to increase your ROI from failure.

Changing the "Static Quo" in Your Organization - a recipe for leaders and teams
Instead of calling the work reality we each deal with every day the “status quo,” perhaps it would be better referred to as the “static quo.” That’s because change is hard, and many organizations seem to be set up to stifle innovation and hinder change wherever possible. All this despite the loud and frequent proclamations of organization leaders about driving innovation and growth.

Failure-Savvy Leadership
What is failure-savvy leadership?
It’s the recognition that some leaders and organizations have the ability create more productive relationships with failures when they do happen. These enlightened leaders and their teams extract insights from failures to drive more innovation and faster growth, and to create more engaged employees and team members.

Advance Praise for the Upcoming Book "The Other 'F' Word"
Mark and his UC Berkeley colleague, John Danner, are preparing to release The Other "F Word: How Smart Leaders, Teams, and Entrepreneurs Put Failure to Work in March--about how you can leverage the power of failure to drive innovation and accelerate growth in your organization.