Join me to kick off the Innov8rs Connect "Culture & Teams" Conference on March 15. I have free passes! (normally $200+)
On Tuesday March 15, I will kick off the 2022 Inov8rs Connect "Culture, Talent & Teams" online conference with an updated take on my book The Other "F" Word, which I co-wrote with John Danner. I'll do a quick talk and then join in a fireside chat and Q&A on this topic.
How to Be an Entrepreneur in a Big Enterprise - and Succeed!
I often give talks about - and recently led a series of discussions on - how to "Develop a Startup Mindset." Coming out of those are several articles, including the below piece from our Center for Executive Education at UC Berkeley Haas, and an executive education course called The Start-Up Mindset (register by February 2, 2017).
Ready for Takeoff: Launching High-Growth Ventures at UC Berkeley
To learn more about entrepreneurship training at UC Berkeley, check out this press release from the Haas School of Business. A recent publication by Forbes listed UC Berkeley the 3rd most Entrepreneurial Research University the United States, and that is certainly what we experience in our Learn to Launch program. Students in our classrooms not only get a guided tour through the aforementioned classics in entrepreneurship literature, but also an immersion into the San Francisco Bay Area entrepreneurial ecosystem.